Investment Data

      Investment Data

        Article summary

        Assette turns two classes of investment data into content.

        Quantitative Data – categories of quantitative include typical investment data such as performance, holdings, transactions, etc. This data is stored in your data platform(s) and Assette interfaces with this data on-the-fly without storing in Assette. Note that you may import Excel and CSV files into Assette as starting point to augment data in your data platform (until you move all data to your platform).

        Qualitative Data – this data is separated into below categories.

        • Narratives about the firm (overview, ownership, etc.), strategies and products (philosophy, process, team, etc.) as well as people (name, photographs, bios, etc.).

        • Disclosures that are required by regulators.

        • Explanations about your investment activity such as purchases/sales, contributors/detractors, etc.

        Note that Assette software includes a robust database to manage all qualitative data, including automatic versioning and approval workflows. You may use Assette to store this data, manage the data in a digital asset management (DAM) or similar system (or even Excel) or mix of both. If you use external system, then Assette interfaces with this data on-the-fly.

        Assette software also includes data that supports content automation:

        Product Master lists all your products, which datasets from composites, rep accounts or funds should be used to represent the products, and in which geographic locations and to which client segments the products are marketed.

        Account Master lists all your accounts.

        Account Attributes specify attributes of accounts such as client segment, vehicle type, domicile, etc.

        The supporting data is stored in Assette – you can maintain the information via user interfaces or synchronize from your data sources. Note that for accounts, only account codes are stored (avoiding storing PII in Assette).